Published inThe CapitalCountries that plan to get their Currency on BlockchainEconomic and political principles for introducing the Central Bank Digital Currency or CDBC can vary based on administration. So, what…May 29, 2022May 29, 2022
Published inThe CapitalWhat is Web3, and Why web3 Coins are trending?Have you ever wondered what Web3 is? In short, Web3 is the next stage of the internet. The journey started with Web 1.0, which was about…Feb 5, 2022Feb 5, 2022
Published inThe CapitalWhat is Taproot and How will it make BTC Better?Are you familiar with the concept of cryptocurrency? Yes? Then, you may know the importance of the security, scalability, and…Jan 9, 2022Jan 9, 2022
Published inThe CapitalWhat are IDO — All about itIDOs stands for Initial DEX offerings, which comes as a brand new permissionless and decentralized crowdfunding space. In short, IDOs…Oct 16, 2021Oct 16, 2021
Published inThe CapitalHow To Buy And Sell NFTs?it is also a must to opt for a cryptocurrency with which you would have to fund the wallet. You should figure out whether the NFTs that youAug 2, 2021Aug 2, 2021
Published inThe CapitalNFTs: What Should You know AboutNFTs stand for Non-fungible tokens. In short, NFTs represent digital or physical contents/Assets in terms of Blockchain.May 2, 2021May 2, 2021
Published inThe CapitalWhat’s DeFi, How It Is Important?“DeFi” is the acronym for Decentralized Finance. It comes up as a revolutionary financial system, which can operate without any external…Mar 14, 2021Mar 14, 2021
Ethereum 2.0 And How It Can Change A LotBlockchain technology contributed a lot in transforming the global markets. The technology has disrupted several fields, such as…Feb 24, 2021Feb 24, 2021
Published inThe CapitalBCHABC Hardfork: Why Had Split Happened & Why BCH failed to replace BTC ?BCH is a product of the hard fork, it is splitted in two blockchainDec 6, 2020Dec 6, 2020
Published inThe CapitalAfter 10 Years, Still Bitcoin Is In Shadows. What Went Wrong?Check out our new platform: 13, 2020Sep 13, 2020